K9 Dog Training School  Established 1981
3800+ graduates
Auburn Michigan,  USA  48611
-989-662-6230 US

The Trainers of K9 Training

Newest Trainees

Basic Obedience Training
Basic Obedience Training/Avanced Obedience Training
Dog Behavior Modification

Service Dog Program
Offering specialized service dog training for disabled persons with
physical disabilities and veterans suffering from Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder

GoFundMe ServiceDogs for Veterans
Many veterans and disabled Americans cannot afford a service
dog or cannot get private funding for a service K9.....we offer an
alternate service dog program that gives the K9 free of charge
through GoFundMe...

Once donated funds are available the K9 is purchased and trained,
the donated funds also cover
the handling  course for the new owner.

Please donate
Every dollar raised is dedicated for purchase and training
of a free service dog for a deserving Vet or disabled American

(All dogs purchased and trained well be listed here)


K9 Training Videos
K9 Videos of obedience and service dogs in action...

Behavior Consultations
A K9 Professionally trained may exhibit an adverse behavior.....We are
operationally equipped to discuss your behavior issue along with K9 Behavior in
public or private situations. We have over 35 years of experience..
We offer a class for.... IE: Postal office workers... Police and Firefighters ETC....we
offer an on  site course to help in K9 standoffs and deterrents to prevent attack
and bodily injury...in a non lethal venue.

Expert Witness Program
We are here for you..if a court case arrives or a question on a K9  involved in a
legal matter we are able to appear to help with the case..a defence matter must
be after we have reviewed the facts...video Etc and we will make a determination
as to if our opinion would help in your situation
We also provide expert witness services for prosecutions of animals mis
handled with over 35 years of dog training and handling experience.
Please call

If you have any questions after viewing our site
please feel free to contact us.

Thank You
K9 Training
1- 989- 662- 6230 USA Home
00 + 1 + 989-662-6230 International
Dun & Bradstreet 078318059

K9 Training
"The Dog Training Professionals"
Protection training and family watch  dogs along with dog equipment,dog leashes,dog collars
To Advertise or link with us please
What's New
What's New
K9Training.us dog training school
 every thing you need to keep your dog healthy
Programs Offered Include:

K9 Training would like
to thank the folks at the
DNR for inviting us to
be a station on their
Pedal to the Park
event. We had a great
time and the dogs
loved all the people.

Click below for photos.
Puppy service dog
Dakota receives his
vest now working
for ID for food
We have  new videos
with our new video
Click below
Video page
"Major Credit Cards Accepted"
Would like to thank
my son's Joshua and
Jacob Sampson for
writing and playing
the opening song
Dog Days for my
website. Joshua is
now the lead
guitarist for the band
Paint when their link
is up I well post it
here. Thank You
boy's you made the
old man proud.
Service dog spike
obedience training
working on off leash
for his vest for
public places then
his ID for food